Should you be doing that on your work computer?
Personal pictures, social networking, online banking… These are the kind of things that you should try not to have/do on your work computer.
Work computers are for work, visiting work-related web sites, researching, emailing, generating Powerpoint slideshows, etc.
Much like posts to social networking sites… everything you say or do can be used against you.

Acceptable use policy
Most organizations (perhaps yours too) have a ‘workstation acceptable use policy’ with regards to proper use of your work computer.
If there is one and you haven’t read it, you should.
Visited web sites, how much time is spent on facebook, playing solitare, instant messenger chat… technically all of this can be monitored.
– Think about what you are doing… and realize, that it can be logged. Anything you post on the internet is there forever.

Be safe online
Especially when it comes to visiting web sites or opening personal email… those actions that take place on your work computer can affect other work computers.
If you happen to visit a site that has malware on your work computer, you may now have exposed the rest of the company to a malware infection.
It is difficult to explain why you were doing what you were doing when its against the policy to be performing non-work related activities on your work computer.

Try to be aware that you are using a computer that is not yours, things you do on that computer are not private.
Lawyers say that anything that happens on the corporate network, the company owns and can monitor.
In most cases the IT department does not have the time and resources to monitor everything, but if you give them a reason to, management may ask them to do so.

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